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October 04, 2017

The triumph of good over evil; GIIS Noida celebrates Durga Puja and Dussehra

ramanujan week

Come September and festivities begin to fill the atmosphere with immense happiness and celebrations. Onset of Navratri ropes in people from various Indian subcontinents towards a nine day celebration uniting people of different castes and creeds, to come together and pay tribute to the nine avatars of Goddess Durga.

To bring forward and celebrate the triumph of positivity over negativity, Dusshera and Durga Puja were celebrated in a special assembly by the pre-primary wing and Grades 1-2 of Global Indian International School (GIIS) Noida. With a lot of enthusiasm and exuberance, the special assembly conducted by Grades 1-2 started with the Morning Prayer that assured remembrance of the Almighty.

India is a land of festivals and celebrations and to bring forth vivacity of the country a short poem on “Festivals are Fun” and “Happy song” was presented by the students. The idea was to share the importance of festivals that make us feel happy and elated. As Navratri and Durga Puja are simultaneously celebrated in India, students of Grade-1 D presented a dance performance as a form of their tribute to Goddess Durga.

A musical play (Ram Katha) was also presented by the students to depict the triumph of good over evil. The students not only artfully acted the “Ram Katha” but also sang all the lyrics by themselves. Their colorful costumes complimented their performances. After the musical play, all the students of Grade-1D presented a Hindi poem on “Dussehra”.

The whole objective behind the assembly was to emphasize the value of good always prevailing over evil, and to make children understand the significance of Dussehra.

Pre-Primary wing on the other hand invited a parent Mr. Joy Asthana (Father of Ronil Asthana of KG-D), as a part of the ongoing parent interaction series, to grace the Durga Puja and Dussehra celebrations at school. Tiny tots fully dressed in traditional attire danced on a song to showcase their happiness and tribute to Goddess Durga. They even enacted a small piece from the Ramayana recreating the magic of the mythological history on stage.

Speaking on the occasion, Ms. Vandana Midha – Principal, GIIS Noida said – “this festival season we all must try and make people around us happy, for happiness is the true essence of living. Greet people with a smiling face, and if you succeed in making at least one of your known happy, then think that you have achieved your purpose.”

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