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July 11, 2017

Brain Gym Activities for tiny tots at GIIS Noida; Cognitive & Motor Skill Development

Quizzards_ GIIS Whitefield

“A healthy mind is one that can relate to things happening around it.”

Brain is the master of our body. Everything we do and perform is controlled by our brain as its one powerhouse that signals all body parts to perform their functions properly.

Global Indian International School (GIIS), Noida to foster active growth and development of brain muscles, introduced brain gym activities for the tiny tots of the pre-primary wing. The concept of brain gym exercises was introduced to teachers to acquaint them with various exercises and its importance in development of the brain for children especially below the age of 6 years.

At GIIS Noida, brain gym exercises have been introduced to simulate brain muscles and keep the mind engaged just like our body is when we physically exercise. Brain gym exercises simulate blood flow and increase oxygen supply to the brain making it more efficient while taking day to day decisions. These exercises are known to relieve stress, enhance learning and development among children as the brain is constantly engaged in something or the other.

Useful not only for younger but also for older children, brain gym exercises have an effective result on the brain’s core muscles. Simple activities can help enhance concentration power, improve focus and memory, physical coordination, etc. and boost development levels to all time high for students. Internationally acclaimed and adopted, brain gym exercises have produced great results among children of all age groups.

Few of brain gym exercises that are being followed at GIIS Noida are cross crawling, number 8, draw with the other hand, double doodle, memory games, nesting and block pattern toys, etc. that have a soothing impact on the muscles of the brain.

Ms. Nandita Dasgupta - Principal, GIIS Noida said “We are looking at educating a generation that is going to face a quicker, more intelligent, technology savvy and somewhat the supermen and superwomen of tomorrow. There is going to be a total transformation in thinking and doing skills that will be calling for the best of faculties from the people. One of the ways is to get started early in life through a structured exercise that ensures that every dormant faculty inside an individual is alive and on high alert. Here is where the Brain Gym programme helps.”

The sole motive behind using of this methodology is to allow students develop and enhance their thinking and understanding abilities. Since early years of education are the prime years of brain development, these exercises prove to be a stress free and relaxed approach for the brain to foster and grow. These activities have been designed to allow children gain maximum levels of intelligence and enjoyment at the same time.

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