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August 17, 2016

Independence Day at GIIS: Invoking the essence of Vasudev Kutumbakam

Independence Day

Independence Day celebrations at GIIS, Bangalore was definitely a colourful patriotic event. The pride of being an Indian showed on the faces and attires of all present today, to witness the flag hoisting ceremony by the respected Principal. He paid utmost respect to Mahatma Gandhi by honouring his statue with a floral garland. The breath of independence that we inhale today is because of the undeterred efforts of Mahatma Gandhi and his principles are followed in GIIS worldwide.

Independence DayThe emphasis on 'Vasudev Kutumbakam' meaning the whole world is one family, the essence of humanity, the gift of being educated and the love for thy mother were some of key thoughts conveyed. All these help nurture the global Indian citizens of tomorrow. The significance of freedom to every Indian should be understood and valued.

Students shared the story about the Rani of Jhansi in India's struggle for freedom. A wonderful skit was enacted that made the hall echo the powerful words of this warrior princess, Rani Lakshmibai. As the wave of pride for our motherland was getting brighter, a video on the various freedom fighters and freedom movements brought tears of respect for the great leaders of India who laid their lives for 'azaadi'. The GIISians presented a quiz based on the Independence Day and students answered the questions enthusiastically. Everyone's eye shone as they sang the 'National Anthem'. The celebrations were made delightful with the distribution of sweets to students, teachers and the entire staff of GIIS. Jai Hind!!

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