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August 04, 2017

GIIS Whitefield students stand united for peace in the world

Coding Summer Camp_ GIIS Bannerghatta
“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Peace Day activities and events across Pre Primary, Primary and Senior classes at GIIS Whitefield focused on the message of universal peace, compassion and harmony.

– The Hues of Peace Unites all in Pre Primary

The world of peace was creatively explained to the tiny tots of GIIS Whitefield. Peace Day is generally associated with the colour white. It stands for cultural harmony and the theme of unity in diversity through calm and compassion. The KG2 students celebrated Peace Day through a beautiful collage of their white handprints on square colour paper. These imprints were stuck together to form a beautiful paper quilt. The various white palm prints brought together the children as there is peace and unity in diversity. The KG 1 children made colourful paper doves and in one of the classes, they were stuck on a Peace tree. The purpose was to show that when people come together and promote love, kindness and humanity, it will nurture the Peace Tree in the world. The Nursery kids coloured on the paper CDs and stuck them on the paper tree. This also epitomized that people with different thoughts can come together for peace and togetherness. The students observed a minute’s silence in memory of Sadako and the victims of the war.

– Special Peace Day Assembly by Senior Students

There was a special Peace Day Assembly by the senior students of GIIS. The word ‘Peace’ invokes a beautiful thought of calm and the students dressed in white, explained the significance of the day. The need for peace and harmony in the world begins within oneself. The peaceful path shown by Mahatma Gandhi leads to non-violence, compassion, humanity and togetherness. The skit further reiterated the fact that for peace there should be calm. This was explained by a candle light (replicating our mind) that was flickering when thoughts like anxiety, confusion, anger and negative thoughts encircled it. The candle was glowing bright when it was kept protected from the negative winds. The human mind should be nurtured with concepts of peace and calmness in order to experience sheer bliss within and around. The sloka meditation was inspiring and soothing. There was a Peace song by the students that resonated a peaceful chord in every heart. Principal, Mr. Ganesh Sharma emphasized on the true meaning of peace and said that only when there is peace there will be progress in our lives. He said that meditation was a powerful practice that will guide every individual to acquire peace in life.

– Calling for Peace through saplings, peace symbol and white balloons

The young students of Primary classes gave an amazing surprise by connecting the concept of planting trees with the peace symbol. Planting for peace was a novel theme this year where the students placed the baby plant saplings that they had grown in the white paper-cups. They placed it on the Peace symbol drawn on the vast playground. The need for growing more plants is the service that humans can do for Mother Nature. Plants are regarded one of the pure messengers of peace and love. The small saplings completed the symbol of peace. There was a peace march by the students who had made creative placards on Peace. Then white balloons were set free into the sky by the Principal to mark the peaceful occasion.

Peace begins with smile and respect as the GIIS students showed on Peace Day!


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