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July 12, 2017

GIIS Whitefield Introduced the Creative Curriculum Classes for Grades 6-8

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Creative curriculum in academics augments the subject knowledge and increases the logical reasoning ability among students.

GIIS Whitefield has introduced the exclusive globally acclaimed 'Creative Curriculum' teaching as part of the regular classes from this Academic Year for students of Grades 6 - 8.  The core subjects that will be covered include Science, Mathematics, English and Social Science. The purpose of having a creative curriculum segment as part of the regular academics curriculum is to enrich the subject related knowledge of the students through insightful innovative activities.

Creative Concept learning

With the emphasis on CBSE teaching and learning methodology at GIIS, the creative subject specific teachings help the students to inculcate innovative and logical thinking skills along with independent decision-making abilities. This creative curriculum will enhance the learning experience of every student at GIIS beyond the basics and leverage the learning quotient of students with respect to concepts explained in various subjects. This will also develop coordination and team building skills among students.

Exploring the path of GIIS Creative Curriculum

The Creative Curriculum classes commenced with a lot of enthusiasm among the students.

Grade 6 conducted an activity in order to investigate Lung capacity. They were to ascertain how much air human lungs could hold. It was explained that there were a number of things that influenced a human lung capacity. The students tested their lung capacity by blowing the balloons and measuring its circumference. They did this activity after a series of physical movements like seating, jumping, running, doing push-ups and so on. Then they came up with the conclusion that different factors had different effects on a human lung capacity.

Grade 7 did an interesting activity called Diffy wherein they had to fill a number maze (in numbers and squares), with numbers which were the differences of their previous two numbers. The children were very enthusiastic as their concepts of addition and subtraction in numbers got better. They also sharpened their logical reasoning, pattern identification and mental maths calculations.

Grade 8 students did Dialogue narration. They were divided into 5 groups and each group was asked to decide unanimously four famous personalities chosen across the world and with whom they would love to have dinner. They were to write a narrative essay by including relevant dialogues that they had while dining with the eminent personalities. This activity boosted the students' written communication skills. 

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