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October 01, 2016

House and Hobby Club activities prepare students for the stage of life!

Gone are the days when students in schools would perform on that grand stage just once a year – their annual day. They would be anxious, perplexed and shy to perform before a huge crowd of parents, friends, fellow students and teachers. Because, they performed only once a year. And, in today’s competitive world students have to put up their best at every step, every day! There is no room for stage fear or timidity.

So, how do we help our students overcome this and be a notch above other school students? The answer is through House Activities and the Hobby Club. At Global Indian International School Ahmedabad, each student is a member of a ‘House’, who gets a chance to perform various activities before the entire class and teachers. The students have to register themselves into any one of the four Houses – Chrysanthemum, Orchid, Sunflower and Hibiscus, which enables them to compete with other fellow students from other Houses in activities like poetry recitation, story-telling with props, just a minute (JAM), best out of waste, card-making, etc.

Likewise, our students also join the school’s Hobby Club which has activities like cooking without fire, public speaking, dance, music, eco-club and young explorer. These activities are scheduled every week, giving students a platform for holistic learning that focuses on all aspects of personality. Also, these activity plans are designed in accordance with GIIS Nine Gems that inculcate comprehensive learning.

Both, House and Hobby Club activities touch five Gems of creativity and innovation, visual and digital arts, fine and performing arts, community connection and personality development. Each week, students’ put up a better show and there is visible difference in their articulation, speech, confidence and behaviour. Thriving to give every student equal opportunity to showcase his/her talent and then identifying their strengths and improving on their weakness, we make our students ready to perform on the larger stage of life, where they can look back at their alma mater with a smile!

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