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March 07, 2024

Students embrace cultural diversity with grand Chinese New Year festivities

On February 7, GIIS East Coast Campus was dazzled in vibrant red hues and pulsating with energy as students from all grades immersed themselves in the festivities of Chinese New Year. The day kicked off with an enlightening morning assembly, where emcees delved into the significance and traditions of Chinese New Year, captivating the audience with their insights.

In a heartfelt gesture of appreciation, the Principal and school Coordinators honoured the school’s dedicated support staff, presenting them with goodie bags and red packets as tokens of gratitude. The highlight of the morning was undoubtedly the parade of kindergartners, who, dressed in bright red, brought smiles and warmth to all with their adorable stage walk.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement as students and teachers, donned in festive red attire, joined voices with the school choir in a spirited rendition of "Gong Xi Gong Xi." The event was further enriched by mesmerising dance performances, with the primary students' Fan Dance stealing the show.

An engaging and educational skit by the secondary students introduced the legend of the Nian Monster, blending entertainment with learning. The assembly reached a crescendo with the exhilarating Lion Dance, leaving the audience spellbound and filled with joy. By participating in such events, students gain a deeper appreciation for global cultures, learning the importance of respect and understanding in today’s interconnected world.


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