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March 06, 2024

Primary students engage in Literacy Month at ISS International School

In an exciting collaboration, primary students from the GIIS SMART Campus made a visit to the ISS International School, marking the beginning of a new chapter in library engagement. The students participated in the school's literacy month assembly, themed 'Belonging', where SMART Campus students presented heartfelt poems.


This library collaboration initiative signifies a significant milestone, as it marked the first-ever visit by primary students to the ISS International School library. The event provided a unique opportunity for the young learners to explore the rich literary resources and engage in the vibrant learning environment of another educational institution.


During their visit, the students were treated to a comprehensive school tour, allowing them to discover the various facilities and spaces within the ISS International School campus. They explored the music room, library, and other key areas, gaining insights into the diverse learning experiences offered by their counterparts. 


The students had the chance to engage in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and forge new connections, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding. It not only provided them with valuable exposure to different educational environments but also reinforced the importance of literacy and belonging in their academic journey.


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