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March 27, 2024

GIIS East Coast Campus marks transition for kindergarten graduates

The GIIS East Coast Campus recently hosted a momentous occasion on March 13, 2024, as it celebrated the kindergarten graduation ceremony. This ceremony marked a significant milestone in the journey of our young learners, a transition from childhood to the beginning of their educational adventure.


The ceremony unfolded with grace and warmth, providing a platform for our young graduates to shine. Amidst a backdrop of familial pride and excitement, the children took center stage, captivating the audience with their endearing dance performance. It was a heartwarming testament to their growth, development, and the bonds forged within the kindergarten community.


As the ceremony progressed, each graduate was honoured with a well-deserved graduation certificate, symbolising their achievements and paving the way for their continued success. It was a moment of joy and reflection, shared by both the children and their proud parents, as they looked forward to the next chapter in their educational journey.


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