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March 28, 2024

Inspiring Young Minds: Entrepreneurship Bootcamp at GIIS Whitefield

Last Wednesday, excitement filled the air at GIIS Whitefield as students from grades 8 to 12, along with their parents, gathered for a special event - Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Orientation. The event aimed to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit within our students and provide them with valuable insights into the world of business.

The highlight of the event was the presence of a distinguished guest, Mr. Rishi Jalan, Founder and CEO of The Big Red Group. With his wealth of experience and passion for entrepreneurship, Mr. Jalan captivated the audience as he shared his entrepreneurial journey and insights.

During his address, Mr. Jalan emphasized the importance of creativity, innovation, and perseverance in entrepreneurship. He encouraged students to think outside the box and explore their passions to discover unique business ideas. His words of wisdom resonated with the audience, inspiring them to dream big and pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions.

One of the most engaging parts of the event was the interactive session where students had the opportunity to ask questions directly to Mr. Jalan. Eager minds filled the room with queries ranging from starting a business to overcoming challenges. Mr. Jalan patiently addressed each question, providing valuable advice and guidance to the budding entrepreneurs.

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Orientation proved to be a transformative experience for our students. It not only sparked their interest in entrepreneurship but also instilled in them the confidence to pursue their dreams. As they left the event, fueled with inspiration and newfound knowledge, our students were ready to embark on their entrepreneurial journey with enthusiasm and determination.

Events like these play a crucial role in shaping the future leaders and innovators of tomorrow. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Rishi Jalan for his invaluable contribution to our students' learning journey. His passion for entrepreneurship has left a lasting impact on our school community, inspiring us to strive for excellence and embrace the spirit of innovation.

 We look forward to nurturing the entrepreneurial talents of our students and witnessing their remarkable achievements in the days to come.

Let's dare to dream, innovate, and create a brighter future together!

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