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March 28, 2024

GIIS Ahmedabad’s Champion - Anvesha Mathur shines at the All India Sub-Junior National Rugby Tournament

In the realm of school sports, some individuals stand out, not just for their skills on the field, but for their dedication, perseverance and passion for the game. In rugby, one such rising star emerges from the halls of Global Indian International School (GIIS), Ahmedabad, where this young athlete has been making waves at a national level. 

Meet Anvesha Mathur, a dynamic force on the rugby field whose journey to becoming a school national rugby player is nothing short of inspiring. Anveha did not start their journey with the intent of becoming a national player. Representing GIIS Ahmedabad was a significant milestone for Anvesha. The pride of wearing school colours fueled her determination and she emerged as a pivotal player, leading her team to numerous victories. 

Being selected for the U-14 Inter-School District Championship showcased her abilities on a larger stage, catching the eyes of coaches by identifying her talent for the All India Sub-Junior National Rugby Tournament. As a national player, Anvesha raises the bar, pushing herself to new heights while inspiring others. Her immense dedication, rigorous hard work, technique and strategy to play inspire aspiring young athletes, demonstrating that everything is possible.   

As an outcome of her unwavering commitment, Anvesha was selected for a 10-day residential training camp as a part of the Gujarat state camp for the training process in the national tournament. 

Like many young children, she was drawn to sports from a young age, trying her hand at various activities like Football, Quizzes, and others before discovering rugby. Anvesha Mathur honed her skills with each match, displaying a natural aptitude for the sport. 

Beyond the accolades and victories, Anvesha remains focused on her academics. She secured 87% in the academic year 2023-24 annual exams. In the archives of school sports, Anvesha Mathur’s story demonstrates the power of perseverance and passion. Her journey from grassroots to national prominence is a reminder that dreams, no matter how big, are attainable with the right mindset and direction.


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