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April 09, 2024

Celebrating Excellence: GIIS Ahmedabad students advance to finals of the Make in India Initiative

“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” Arthur C Clarke

It is with immense pride and excitement that we announce the selection of our talented students from GIIS Ahmedabad for the finals of the esteemed Make in India initiative. This remarkable achievement not only highlights their exceptional skills but also underscores the importance of nurturing innovation and creativity in our educational ecosystem. 

The primary objective of Make In India Initiative is to foster an innovative mindset among the students encouraging them to develop creative solutions and entrepreneurship ideas aligning with Make in India propositions. Through this initiative, GIIS Ahmedabad in collaboration with MI4 aims to motivate young minds to showcase their potential and contribution to the nation’s economic growth by encouraging them to think creatively on every challenge of shaping India’s future.

A total of 13 teams of Make In India Innovation Initiative (MI4) in various categories like Innovation Excellence, Sustainability Champion, Social Impact, and Future Entrepreneur have been shortlisted for MI4 finalists scheduled on 26th April 2024.

Team Gyan Rath comprising four members Shrinika Shah, Navya Bhardwaj, Taashvi Chaturvedi, and Jenish Patel primarily focuses on mobile education that offers fundamental learning along with skill and knowledge development. They specifically target locations such as construction sites, remote and slum areas, traffic lights etc. 

Through Gyan Rath, our MI4 finalists of GIIS Ahmedabad aim to provide educational support in various subjects, employing innovative teaching methods such as Vedic Mathematics, Basic English, Hindi and regional language literacy. 

This accomplishment of the project would not have been possible without the support and guidance of dedicated mentors and educators who have nurtured and encouraged our students every step of the way. As our students gear up for their MI4 finals, GIIS Ahmedabad congratulates each participant for their outstanding contribution. Your hard work, resilience and innovative thinking have set you apart as leaders and we are extremely proud of you all.

GIIS Ahmedabad wishes them good luck! May this experience inspire them to continue pushing their boundaries, embracing challenges, and positively impacting society.

“Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.” Virat Kohli

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