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April 03, 2024

A new year and a new beginning towards innovative education and academic excellence

Dear Parent,

As we stand on the threshold of a new academic year 2024-25, it is the apt time to reflect and review the defining moments of the year gone by! Firstly, I would like to thank all the teachers for their hard work and dedication and express my deepest gratitude to all the parents for their constructive suggestions, support and collaboration in making all the initiatives successful. Your trust and confidence add much-needed fuel to our noble endeavours.

As we conclude this exciting year, I would like to draw your attention to the achievements and milestones GIIS Ahmedabad has achieved as a community. This year has presented us with lots of learning opportunities and challenges, but I am immensely proud of the resilience and dedication demonstrated by our entire school community.

The last academic year added an important holistic evaluation tool to the kitty of our K2 students with a parent assessment program - My Learning Checkpoint (for K2 students) and a Student Led Conference for K3 students. These are valuable collaborative steps between parents and educators to enrich the learning-teaching experience. Through this program, parents get an opportunity to get an insight into their child’s academic journey, understand their achievements, and identify growth areas.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the students, parents and teachers of GIIS Ahmedabad came together to celebrate a spectacular musical evening in collaboration with Kalavant Academy, USA based on the theme - The Raga of Happiness: The amalgamation of Shiv and Shakti’. GIIS Ahmedabad’s Sangeet Therapy was a tribute to Ustad Raheman Khan - a renowned tabla player. The event was graced by musical maestros like Ustad Kadar Khan, Ustad Ilmas Khan, Shri Pankaj Chowdhary and Ustad Azam Ali Khan. 

In the upcoming year, let us all welcome the new cohort of students and embrace fresh learning experiences. Let us reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive and supporting environment where all individuals thrive. GIIS Ahmedabad will always continue to uphold the core values of integrity, respect, and excellence, ensuring that every member of our school community has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Wishing you all a rejuvenating year ahead. I am looking forward to a new academic year filled with endless possibilities. 

Warm Regards,

Caesar D’silva

Principal, GIIS Ahmedabad

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