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Kuala Lumpur
September 11, 2023

GIIS KL: Culture and Heritage Symposium “International Warisan Budaya”

The Global Indian International School Kuala Lumpur hosted the Language and SSC department’s Symposium on 29th July 2023.The main theme of this event was ‘Culture and Heritage’. Students of all grades made various models, attractive charts and participated in several cultural activities and games. Through the various spectacular dance performances, recitations and projects, the department was successful in achieving goal 16(Peace and Justice Strong Institutions) under UNSDG.

The event was commenced with wonderful performances by the little ones and a spectacular dance show, displaying the various dance forms in India and abroad. Many games like Antakshari, Kho-Kho, and Futsal were played along with a quiz, testing the general knowledge of our enthusiastic parents by the name of ‘Cultural quizzards’. A cooking competition for the parents along with their children was also hosted in which the participants were to make prepare a dish without using fire. Later prizes were distributed amongst the winners.

At the end of the event, all the teachers and students paid their heartfelt condolences to Miss Valerie’s family due to her demise. A few children sang the song, “Every Scar’s a Lesson” and another batch of the 10th graders paid their whole hearted gratitude to Miss Valerie and recalled her great teachings and amazing personality.

Lastly the event was concluded by the Vice Principal’s speech. It was a wonderful event, appreciated by all the parents and students of GIIS KL.

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