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Kuala Lumpur
June 07, 2023

GIIS KL Celebrates Secondary Annual Day

The evening of 2nd June 2023 marked a new page in the history of GIIS KL as the secondary school came together to celebrate the Annual day post covid after an interlude of 4 years. The stage of HGH Convention Centre in Sentul was set to fire by umpteen performances by students, which included music, dance, poetry, drama in various languages, giving life to the feeling of “Malaysia truly Asia”.

Tan Sri Datuk Seri Mohd Hussin Bin Abd Hamid and Prof. Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria graced the occasion with their presence as the chief guests. Country director Mr. Manoj Nair, Associate Director Student Acquisition Mr. Govindan Nair, Vice-Principal Ms Bhuvaneswari Veera Ragavan, Senior Segment Coordinators, admin staff were present mark the occasion.

The MC’s for the evening, Alan Jose & Raghav of class 11 & 12, briefly explained the theme “Polyphony”, before the celebration kick-started with a scintillating dance performance by students of class 9 for BTS song, “The Black Swan”.

Vice Principal Ms Bhuvaneswari Veeraragavan shared the annual report of the school, which reflected the achievements as well as performance of the students in the previous academic year. Students were awarded trophies for their academic excellence as well as for 100 % attendance.

The program continued with various performances comprising of African, Malay, Tamil and English dance forms. A medley of English and Bahasa song and a performance showing gratitude and appreciation to the teachers, a tribute to teachers, mesmerized the audience. The rendition of a slam poetry by students of class 6 to 12 left an impression on the viewers with its strong message. A comedy skit by students of class 11 delighted the audience. There was a performance by Alumni students too. Towards the end, the entire team of teachers took to the stage to shake their legs on the viral Tum Tum song. The cherry on the cake was the live Punjabi Dhol for the finale, which left everyone’s feet tapping to its beats.

The event was successfully wrapped up with smiles and happiness radiating from one and all who attended the show, true to the essence of the event “Every minute is a chance to create another grand slam.”

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