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Kuala Lumpur
August 27, 2024

Castle Building and Math Mastery: A GIIS Student Exchange

In a unique blend of creativity and academic rigor, students from GIIS KL and GIIS Whitefield, Bangalore participated in a student exchange program focused on Maths and IT subjects. The highlight of the event was a castle-making competition that challenged students to apply their knowledge of surface area and volume to real-world scenarios.

The objective of the castle-making activity was to reinforce students' understanding of surface area and volume concepts, a crucial topic in Standard 8 Maths. By constructing intricate castles using recycled materials, students were encouraged to think critically, problem-solve, and apply their mathematical skills in a hands-on manner.

The event was a resounding success, with both schools showcasing impressive castle models. GIIS Whitefield presented a single team, while GIIS KL had three teams, each explaining their unique castle design and the mathematical calculations involved.

This activity aligned perfectly with GIIS' 9GEMs framework, fostering Visual and Performing Arts through the creative castle designs, Innovation and Creativity in the problem-solving process, and Skill Development in applying mathematical concepts. Moreover, the event resonated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education by providing students with a meaningful and engaging learning experience.

The student exchange program not only enhanced academic understanding but also promoted collaboration, cultural exchange, and a sense of global citizenship among the participating students.

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