Dear Parents,
Every fairy tale comes to an end, but not all have a fairy tale ending. Still, they are magical stories to immerse oneself in, especially as a departure from the cares and concerns of day-to-day life. While it lasts, and even if it’s someone else’s story, we begin to breathe and live within that world and see things not as an outsider but as a crucial part of the tale as it unfolds, for it is our vivid imagination that drives the narrative just as it draws a conclusion we’re committed to in our hearts and minds.
Sometimes, the story veers off at the last moment in a direction we’d never thought possible – and we’re aghast, followed by the deathly silence of what we construe to be a tragedy. Our Indian Fairy Tale might have come to an end, unforeseen in its sad conclusion. But it’s only momentary, such sad dejection. We are quick to get up, with all eagerness, hope glistening in our eyes and hearts laden with optimism and joy, as we set our eyes on the future. Because this is life... and things sports are never dearth of are – miracles, moments, magic, and memories. So 2027… we see you!
It is not often that you come across a diplomat who is savvy, articulate, razor-sharp, and most importantly, a bibliophile. Our LLS speaker Mr. Sanyam Joshi defies the stereotypical image of a tight-lipped, jargon-throwing, staid diplomat. He wooed the audience with his vast knowledge, ready wit, child-like curiosity, and easy quips yet remained unfazed by the gravity of his position. As the First Secretary Economic, High Commission of India, Singapore, his experiences are varied. A voracious reader himself, he strongly encouraged the students to inculcate the habit of reading and took time out to visit our school library – unplanned. There was never a dull moment with him around, and he did manage to win over the young audience. That we had to put a stop to the easy-flowing conversation because of time constraints is a true testament to how the students were enjoying the conversation and flooding him with questions. Probably, we should not pay much attention to detractors.
ICAI Singapore Chapter organised a career talk for the students of Grades 9, 10, and IBDP Year 1 to shed light and instil interest in CA as a career choice. The talk was meant to facilitate events that promote education and career development, and such initiatives play a pivotal role in shaping the future paths of the students – a key area of focus for the school. We aim to provide a wide window of opportunities to the students to be aware, understand, and explore different career options in their future.
Also, we held the IBDP orientation for Grades 9 and 10 in November for the parents and students to acquaint them with the IB syllabus and the quantum of work the curriculum entails, and therefore make judicious subject choices. The session was indeed a fruitful one as the auditorium was teeming with students and parents, trying to get answers to their questions. For those who have missed this session, please feel free to drop by – we’ll be happy to help.
I think I have said this before – we are like ducks – calm outside but wheeling vigorously, away from the gaze of the world, to make sure the organization works seamlessly. In whatever we do, our gaze is firm and unfaltering on academics. So, with the Board exams approaching for both curricula, we have started with intensive revision and regular exams to prepare the students for the upcoming challenges. Keep them in your prayers and wish them luck.
The festival of lights was celebrated with much enthusiasm and fervor by the students and teachers, beginning with a special assembly depicting the story of Diwali for the school followed by the Festival of Dance organized by the student council. It truly marked a wonderful beginning of the festivities with fun and joy brimming over.
Do not know whether to be sad about reaching almost the fag end of the year or should be welcoming and looking forward to another new year… Till then, let’s enjoy and cherish 2023…
CVK Sastry
Principal, East Coast Campus
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