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Priya Kapoor, IB PYP Co-ordinator
Priya Kapoor, IB PYP Co-ordinator July 05, 2019

How does International Curricula add value?

International curricula are increasingly becoming a preferred choice for students and parents as the education is evolving from being local to international. Futuristic schools are offering international curricula as they aim to nurture students as global citizens.

Curricula such as: 

are well-regarded and in high demand among parents who want their children to receive an education with a global focus.

Due to increased awareness about international curricula, more parents feel inclined to provide their child with an inquiry-based education that emphasises skill development as well as offer an innovative global perspective. This leaves many parents wondering, what are the benefits of an international curriculum?

Why choose International Curriculum?

  • International Curriculum Exposes Students to Diverse Cultures

Compared to local or national curricula, international curricula purposefully and consciously incorporate cultures and norms from various countries. This allows students to learn more about people from all backgrounds, and ultimately helps them to become more accepting and understanding. They are naturally adaptive, which allows them to feel comfortable in international settings. Many students who study under international curricula pursue higher education in foreign countries or seek out careers that allow them to work in international affairs.


  • These Programmes Follow International Standards

International curricula provide the consistency that local and national curricula do not. These programmes operate under a set of international standards, which is why many parents prefer these programmes. Students are able to move from one international school to another with minimal disruption, which allows them to be successful in their studies regardless of where they currently reside. This consistency provides parents with confidence, knowing that their child is receiving a well-rounded education that has been proven to be effective.

  • International Curricula Provide Students with a Broader Exposure

Understandably, local and national curricula offer students a limited scope. This is because these programmes are developed for a specific set of students in a limited learning environment. These programmes often focus on the basic subjects, such as English, Maths and Science. While conventional courses certainly provide students with a foundation from which they can build, students who are enrolled in international curricula have the advantage of broader exposure. There are a wide variety of course topics available. For example, one Cambridge lower secondary course is called Global Perspective, which introduces students to the concept of thinking critically about all topics with a global perspective in mind.

  • International Programmes Shape Students into Global Citizens

In nearly every facet of the international curricula, students experience international exposure. From hands-on learning opportunities that take them out into the community and meeting people of all backgrounds to celebrations of different cultures, students learn to respect and appreciate people from all walks of life during this pivotal moment of their lives. By the time they have graduated from school, they have a better understanding of the world around them and they feel comfortable as well as confident working in global environments.

  • International Curricula Offer Small Class Sizes and a Personalised Approach

One of the main advantages of some international curriculum programmes is their small class sizes. This is particularly beneficial during the primary years when students require more individual instruction in order to succeed. These programmes can be customised to fit the needs of the individual student. For example, the pace of the international curriculum programme can vary based on the strengths of the individual student.

  • International curricula provide Ample Hands-on Learning Opportunities

The majority of international curricula emphasise the importance of hands-on learning. The developers of international curricula believe that students of all ages learn better by doing rather than by listening to lectures. This inquiry-led approach to education is distinctly different from other more conventional programmes. Ultimately, international curricula help students develop the tactical skills that they will need in order to succeed in a competitive global climate.

To sum it up, there is no right or wrong choice, as local, national and international curricula all provide their own unique advantages to students. However, it should be noted that international curricula are becoming more popular because they offer a wider international perspective which better prepares students for a global economy. With an emphasis on skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking, students who have experienced international curricula often become the global leaders of tomorrow.


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