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October 21, 2024

Enthusiasm and Devotion Shine at Dussehra Special Assembly at GIIS Whitefield

The Dussehra Special Assembly, hosted by the KG1 A students of GIIS Whitefield, was a lively celebration full of enthusiasm and devotion. The event began with a warm welcome to parents and guests, who were invited to join in the festivities, creating a friendly and engaging atmosphere.


The assembly started with a welcome speech that highlighted the importance of Dussehra, a festival that celebrates the victory of good over evil. This message was brought to life through the story of Lord Rama's victory over the demon king Ravana. Students also shared a brief introduction to the Dussehra festival, explaining its cultural and spiritual significance.


One of the highlights of the event was the Ram Bhajan Dance. The students performed beautifully, and the devotional bhajan created a calm and uplifting mood. Their excitement and hard work resonated with the audience, capturing the spirit of the festival.


As the assembly concluded, a heartfelt vote of thanks was given, appreciating the efforts of teachers, students, and parents who made the event a success. The audience left feeling joyful and inspired by the message of good triumphing over evil, which reflects the essence of Dussehra.


This wonderful celebration not only built a sense of community but also reinforced the values of devotion and togetherness among students, parents, and educators at GIIS Whitefield


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